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At InLingua Text, we believe what separates us from the crowd, are not only our services - obviously, they are important – but rather, it is our deep commitment to quality and excellence.

InLingua Text, may be the only business in Australia, and possibly the world, with extensive experience and expertise in every aspect of the foreign language field. Our translation services are only the beginning. InLingua Text produces premium level typesetting in over 70 languages for our own clients as well as other translation agencies in Australia as well as internationally.


Naturally, our translators are all accredited at the Professional Level in their particular language. They are all NAATI Level III accredited – and in many cases, even higher. We consistently have our translations checked, both here and overseas, to keep up with the constant changes in language.


We have the most up-to-date systems available, in terms of computers, printers, scanners, peripherals and especially our extensive software library. Even though we are strictly Macintosh-based we have the facilities to convert most IBM-compatible files to your required format. We work in all the current Adobe Creative packages to final art.


We have optimised many of our processes so that we are able to produce information quickly and accurately. This is reflected in many of our work practices:

      • Every job, is supplied with a quotation or estimate prior to beginning.

      • On occasions we may receive text for translation that can be inappropriate or culturally sensitive in a

         particular language or range of languages. If this is the case, we will advise you. This is a service we

         offer free-of-charge, to ensure that the translations are of the highest calibre.

      • With translation and foreign language typesetting, we work to your original design –  matching the

         foreign language fonts to the fonts used in your original English version.

      • We have an extensive library of foreign language fonts and all of our fonts and software are licenced.

         This will ensure that your project will be protected against any Copyright action
      • All typesetting is completed in-house.

      •  Our turnaround is efficient, reliable and most important of all - on time!

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